Frac tank cleaning is necessary to maintain a tank free of contaminants. It helps in the prevention of spills and increases the durability of frac tanks.

Major Frac Tank Cleaning Processes

There are two main ways that you can carry out frac tank cleaning:

Manual cleaning: This involves a worker getting into the frac tank and manually removing the contaminants. It involves CSE – Confined Space Entry. Manual frac tank cleaning is generally discouraged because it exposes workers to dangerous substances and takes too long to complete. Some of the contaminants that workers may have to deal with include hydrogen sulphide, benzene, and lead.

Machine cleaning: This method of frac tank cleaning seeks to reduce CSE while speeding up the cleaning process. It costs less because you don’t have to worry about the safety of your workers. It is also more efficient. Frac tank cleaning by machine is especially important in a high-risk cleaning operation like mud removal.

Benefits of frac tank cleaning

Maintains quality of stored material
Frac tanks are generally used to store liquids like oil, chemicals, and even water. Frequently cleaning the frac tank in-between storages ensures that the liquids stored are free from contamination.

Removes contaminants
Frac tank cleaning is necessary to remove contaminants that may damage stored materials or the tank itself.

Prevents leaks and spills
Frac tank cleaning is a way of maintaining the tank and keeping it in great shape. By regularly cleaning the frac tank, one removes contaminants that may cause spills, which will, in turn, save you tens of thousands in repairs.

The Pit Viper System

The Pit Viper System is a specialized technology for onshore frac tank cleaning and offshore drilling assets. It was developed by Ecoserv in the last quarter of 2019. The technology greatly minimizes confined space entry and can be used in high-risk mud removal activities with minimum CSE.

The process is as follows:

Pit viper installation: When technicians get to the frac tank, the first step is to install the Pit Viper System within the frac tank. One technician gets into the tank, and another one hands him machine parts from the outside. Installation takes less than two minutes.

One method is the magnetic installation where the machine is magnetically placed on the wall of the tank. Depending on the size and shape of the frac tank, there may be multiple installations on different walls. 

There is also the installation method where the machine is attached to a long handle and pushed to the innermost parts of the frac tank.

Remote cleaning: After installation, the next step is to clean the frac tank. The Pit Viper is remotely controlled to spray the cleaning fluids and remove contaminants.

The Pit Viper system has been found to reduce Confined Space Entry (CSE) by up to 80%, especially in high-risk cleaning like mud removal. Pit Viper is the easiest, fastest, and most efficient way to do frac tank cleaning.

Ecoserv remains committed to helping you keep your frac tank clean. Reach out to Ecoserv to get your frac tank cleaning projects completed safely & efficiently.